The wide-ranging interests and abilities of gifted people often make it difficult for them to make initial career choices. Some may be unduly influenced by significant others to choose careers that later prove unsatisfying, while others may fail to achieve the levels of education they need to pursue careers they would find more interesting. Consequently, they may need to make midlife career changes. Such choices are an important part of people’s identity development and contribute significantly to their sense of personal fulfillment or lack of it.
Vocational interest testing and career guidance can help gifted adults and adolescents make satisfying choices, find meaningful direction and purpose, set goals and priorities, and focus their interests and efforts
productively through vocational and avocational activities that enable them to develop and use their extraordinary abilities in ways they find fulfilling.
One self-assessment test we have found helpful is the Strong Interest Inventory, which compares people’s interest patterns with the interest patterns of people who are working happily in a wide variety of occupations. We recommend the use of a narrative report to assist in interpreting and using the Strong numerical profile. Information and recommendations gleaned from this report can be augmented by further research and scheduling of informational interviews with people who are pursuing careers in fields of interest.