Over the years since the Center for the Gifted was first established, we have been privileged to work collaboratively with many parents who have looked to us for guidance in parenting their gifted children. Informed by their experiences, we developed a battery of tests and procedures designed to identify gifted children’s strengths and vulnerabilities and provide practical information and documentation that parents, teachers, counselors and other school personnel could use to meet their gifted students’ special needs. You’ll find an article about Testing Gifted Children written by Center psychologists Ed Snieska, Dr. Naomi Reiskind, and Dr. Suzanne Schneider in the Publications section of this website.
Sharing personal stories in safe and supportive settings enables parents of gifted children to talk about their experiences without having to fear that they will be perceived as elitist and also helps them realize that they are not alone. One example of such a story is Kim Hildenbrand’s My Son Is A ‘Gifted Child.’ Here’s Why Raising Him Has Been Anything but Easy. Kim’s story is included in the Publications section of this website.
Articles on Parenting for Achievement and Overcoming Underachievement by Dr. Suzanne Schneider are also included in the Publications section of this website.