Website Credits
With the expert assistance of a highly skilled computer programmer, who chooses to remain anonymous, the Center Associates have worked together to revise and augment the Center for the Gifted website in order to share their knowledge and experience for the benefit of intellectually and creatively gifted people of all ages. Their written contributions are illustrated by artwork and photographs created by the following artists and photographers:
Website Artwork

Banners, Borders & Bars
Janet Williams

Swan Drawings
Dr. Suzanne Schneider
Photograph and Artwork Retouching
Dr. Suzanne Schneider

Water lily ClipArt
Microsoft Gallery Live
Photo Credits
Testing photographs, Dr. Suzanne Schneider
Photos on website since 2003 and 2007

Astronaut in space
StockTrek, Getty Images
Scientists using computer
Ryan McVay, Getty Images
Man and woman playing violins
Photodisc Blue, Getty Images
Night school
SW Productions, Getty Images
Architects at construction site
Doug Menuez, Getty Images
Woman carrying books
Martial Colomb, Getty Images
Man using microscope
John A. Rizzo, Getty Images
Chemist using pipette
Ryan McVay, Getty Images

Javelin thrower
Dominique Douieb, Getty Images
Man using microscope
John A. Rizzo, Getty Images
Astronaut in space
StockTrek, Getty Images
Man and woman playing violins
Photodisc Blue, Getty Images
Young woman in cap and gown
Stockbyte, Getty Images
Scientists using computer
Ryan McVay, Getty Images

Therapist with patient
David Buffington, Getty Images
Boy with toy hammer and pegs
Mel Curtis, Getty Images
Man leaning with head on hand
Photodisc Collection, Getty Images
Girl with fingers at her mouth
Skip Nall, Getty Images

Father and son reading
SW Productions, Getty Images
Mother studying with daughter on lap
Scott T. Baxter, Getty Images
Child playing cello
Mark Andersen, Getty Images
Mother talking to son
SWProductions, Getty Images

Young female graduate with parents
Comstock Images, Getty Images
Mother helping daughter with homework
Ryan McVay, Getty Images
Teenage boy with laptop at table
Andersen Ross, Getty Images

Mother reading to her children
Stockdisc, Getty Images
Boy and girl painting
Erik Isakson, Getty Images
Family dining outside
Comstock Images, Getty Images
Photos added to website in 2022

Boy on table at work talking to adults
ljubaphoto, Getty Images
Parents listening to daughter while fixing dinner Purestock, Getty Images
Boy and grandfather playing chess
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images

Father and daughter laughing on swing
MStudioImages, Getty Images
Happy father and young son hugging
Westend61, Getty Images
Girl toddler resting head on mom’s shoulder
images by Tang Ming Tung, Getty Images
Mother and son against sky
Rolfo Brenner/EyeEm, Getty Images

Father listening to daughter
Image Source, Getty Images
Boy and grandfather sitting on wall talking
Camille Tokerud, Getty Images
Father and son eating cereal on sofa
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images

Father talking to son
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images
Father listening to depressed daughter

Mother comforting her sad child
kali9, Getty Images
Mother talking with daughter in bedroom
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images
Mother setting limits with daughter
kirin_photo, Getty Images

Girl and boy doing dishes
Kraig Scarbinsky, Getty Images
Child responsibly picking up toys
kate_sept2004, Getty Images
Girl feeding and playing with her cats
ozgurcankaya, Getty Images
Girl using family vacuum cleaner
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images
Boy riding power mower
Jim Craigmyle, Getty Images
Father paying son for doing chores
Jon Feingersh Photography Inc, Getty Images

Young girl volunteering in soup kitchen
SDI Productions, Getty Images
Girl volunteers working on construction site
Ariel Skelley, Getty Images
Children’s sports team charity drive
fstop123, Getty Images

Girl reading story to happy little sister
Images By Tang Ming Tung, Getty Images
Boy showing grandfather how to use smart phone
xavierarnau, Getty Images
Boy and grandfather cleaning up litter
AzmanJaka, Getty Images

Students saying the Pledge of Allegiance
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images
Young people protesting against racism
urbazon, Getty Images

Boy and his father discussing blueprint
uuoott, Getty Images
Young boy wants to be like his dad
RichVintage, Getty Images
Girl remote learning while mom works from home
Justin Paget, Getty Images

Child prodigy in classroom with adult graduates
Peter M. Fisher, Getty Images
Three generations of family graduates
Peter M. Fisher, Getty Images
Daughter getting car keys for graduation gift
John Giustina, Getty Images

Family eating dinner
Ariel Skelley, Getty Images
Family meeting with teacher at school
SDI Productions, Getty Images
Parent-teacher (+ child) meeting at school
sturti, Getty Images

Girl excitedly raising hand to answer question
skynesher, Getty Images
Boy eagerly raising hand in class
Jupiterimages, Getty Images
Girl with hand raised in class
Sydney Bourne, Getty Images
Boy raising his hand excitedly
Alex Mares-Manton, Getty Images

Math teacher working remotely from home
svetikd, Getty Images
Educator and scientist teaching together via video conference
Ariel Skelley, Getty Images
Girl STEM student learning remotely how to code
Pilea House, Getty Images

Teacher and students using digital tablet in classroom
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images
Teens learn from male teacher how to program computers
urbazon, Getty Images
Teacher and young students using computers
Jim Craigmyle, Getty Images

Gifted girl happily solving hard math problems
Imgorthand, Getty Images
Gifted boy at blackboard full of math equations
PeopleImages, Getty Images
Happy teen boy working on computer
Vertigo3d, Getty Images

School children using digital tablet outside
damircudic, Getty Images
Girl feeling the wonder of using virtual reality goggles
izusek, Getty Images
Students using digital tablets in classroom
Compassionate Eye Foundation/Chris Ryan, Getty Images

Students working with teacher in microbiology class
SolStock, Getty Images
Girls making molecular model in science class
Shestock, Getty Images
Students participating in class
Roy Morsch, Getty Images

Robotics teacher mentoring young girl
momcilog, Getty Images
Male computer teacher mentoring gifted boy
South_agency, Getty Images
Students and teacher doing experiment
Fuse, Getty Images

Children running outside at recess
FatCamera, Getty Images
Boy finding balance by the water
Paul Biris, Getty Images

Father taking son to public library
Tashi-Delek, Getty Images
GM taking grandchildren to visit art museum
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc, Getty Images

Girl composing and notating piano music
South_agency, Getty Images
Boy making sandcastles at the beach
Paul Biris, Getty Images
Girl writing in daily journal
Leonardo De La Cuesta, Getty Images

Musically gifted young girl directing chorus
selimaksan, Getty Images
Boy sitting on top of his sandcastle waiting for the tide to come in
Roy JAMES Shakespeare, Getty Images
Boy enjoying music
Jasonfang, Getty Images

Teachers doing CE together in library
kali9, Getty Images
Computer science CE workshop for teachers
Rana Faure/Corbis/VCG, Getty Images